About REMS Technology
Radiofrequency Echographic Multi Spectrometry (REMS) is a fully diagnostic, ultrasound-based bone health assessment tool.
Providing information about bone density as well as bone quality (strength) allows the client to gain broader knowledge about their bone health.
Using sound waves rather than radiation, this revolutionary technology allows more frequent scanning to follow any treatments or lifestyle changes you are monitoring.
Unlike the legacy DEXA scan, this method gives insight into the internal bone strength. Historically, Bone Mineral Density (BMD) has been the number that was used to determine if you were at a risk of sustaining a fragility fracture. However, it is now recognized that BMD is not the only important number; research shows that another property of bone should be evaluated – the Fragility Score. This is an indicator of the bone’s microarchitecture that is independent of BMD. We get a better picture of our bones with both bone quality and BMD.
REMS is a safe, FDA Cleared technology and can be used on many patient groups who are not indicated for DEXA, like those who are younger, pregnant, have scoliosis or osteoarthritis.
Radiation-Free Technology
Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and Bone Fragility Score (Bone Strength)
Immediate Calculation of 5-Year Fracture RiskFree Technology
High Accuracy, Precision and Repeatability
Overcomes Limitations Of The Current DEXA Scans
Early Screening: Scans Can Begin At 21 Years Of Age
Radiation-Free Technology
Who Can Benefit from a REMS
One in two women and up to one in four men will break a bone in their lifetime due to osteoporosis. For women, the incidence is greater than that of heart attack, stroke and breast cancer combined. (Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation).
Literally, anyone over 21 can benefit from a REMS scan. The current standard for bone assessment is not recommended until age 65+ unless additional risk factors are present. Peak bone mass is reached in the late twenties so waiting until 65 leaves little opportunity to monitor changes. REMS is here to change that. With the decline of our BMD and bone strength over the course of our lives, it can make sense to begin tracking one’s BMD and Fragility Score at a much earlier age with this method that uses no ionizing radiation. Knowledge is power and being proactive rather than reactive is the best strategy for health.
If you have had a DEXA scan, then a REMS scan can provide a validation check along with a more complete view of your bone health. Bone deterioration can depend on multiple risk factors, both genetic and related to lifestyle or health conditions. For this reason, it is of fundamental importance to check the bone status early and be able to do frequent monitoring.